• Oasis Mailbox


    Oasis Mailbox Synopsis

    USA Building Supplies markets the well-liked Oasis locking mailbox for single unit users. The Oasis mailbox is most often installed on a manufacturer furnished pedestal for ground or concrete mounting. Due to postal guidelines the primary use for single unit pedestal mailbox is to secure incoming mail for user. The Oasis mailbox provides a significant amount of mail storage area to handle several days' mail deliveries. What makes the Oasis locking mailbox unique is its hopper door which allows this receptacle the ability to handle small parcel deliveries from the Post Office. This feature has come in handy due to explosion of e-commerce for small items such as books, prescription drugs, and more. The Oasis mailbox can have decorative lettering applied to the front or side of the mailbox to designate owner's address. The Oasis locking mailbox is offered in five different mailbox finishes and six different decorative lettering colors. Because of postal regulations outgoing mail will not be secure for this receptacle. However, the Oasis mailbox does provide a clip on the inside hopper door for small quantities of outgoing mail. A mailbox flag is provided to alert the mail carrier that there is outgoing mail to be picked up from this pedestal mailbox. USA Building Supplies' representatives will be happy to assist you in your purchase of single unit locking mailbox.

    Contact the building supply specialists at USA Building Supplies for information on our full line of Pedestal Mailboxes and Single Unit Locking Mailboxes or CALL 1.855-373-5381.