Cluster Box Unit Regulations
New cluster box unit (CBU) specifications were developed in 2005 and became the standard for ALL manufacturers. Two years later, the USPS started officially licensing the new standards. Now manufacturers must be approved and licensed to manufacture CBUs.
Cluster Box Units are widely used today -- in residential subdivisions, business parks and large office buildings and offered in a variety of configurations. We sell Regency Cluster Box Units and F Series Cluster Mailboxes in multiple finishes and styles.
Regardless of its many configurations, each CBU has a number of compartments for centralized mail delivery to a number of recipients, often an entire neighborhood. The new regulations require a parcel locker and an outgoing mail slot. The latest USPS approved design includes taller parcel compartments to better accommodate package sizes.
Cluster Box Units are Increasingly in Demand Due to Both Economics and Competition
The economics are easy to see. The United States Postal Service is continually drowning in red ink. Its high-end delivery business has been taken over by competitors like Federal Express, although the Post Office is continuing to fight for this business. Cluster box units eliminate the need for door to door delivery, greatly reducing delivery costs. This cost pressure is increasing at the same time the cost of a stamp keeps rising. The USPS has to do whatever it can to reduce expenses.
Cluster Mailboxes Reduce Cost
The next consideration is competition. This element is more complex. Obviously, emails are faster, easier, more convenient and free (except for the cost of computer and internet service, of course).
There are a lot of benefits to cluster box units and not all of them are obvious. First, wider use of cluster boxes absolutely DOES reduce costs, both for the USPS and business, especially larger ones who don’t like the added personnel costs of internal, personalized delivery. At the post office, reduced costs might cut the costs of stamps but would more likely result in less red ink, reducing the need for huge yearly federalized subsidies and their resultant tax burden on all of us.
Our Cluster Mailbox Options are Endless
Cluster box units are flexible. Pedestal mounted, wall mounted, free standing, extra deep, extra wide. USA Building Supplies can verify, there is an appropriate cluster box unit or cell phone locker suitable for any location or application, indoors or outdoors.
A Cluster Box Unit is Highly Secure
Security can be another consideration. Think about how often thieves can rifle through mailbox contents. Especially box units which are mounted near the front door can be accessed so checks and other valuable mail can be stolen. (Think identity theft). Cluster Box Units are always locked with individualized keys for every occupant. They might not be as convenient as personalized delivery, but they actually ARE more secure.
Cluster Box Units Preserve Privacy
Security at the national level might be the most important and most controversial consideration. The National Security Administration and Homeland Security Department are known to be monitoring on virtually all emails, data and phone calls. Cluster boxes actually provide a level of privacy which could be extremely attractive in today’s world. Privacy alone is a big plus for cluster box units.