Will the Cluster Box Unit Become Outdated or Evolve?
Many commercial mailbox insiders believe the cluster box unit needs to evolve or risk becoming a dinosaur in the industry. These same informed individuals realize that the USPS stands in the way of the evolution of the cluster box. However, despite this government roadblock these industry executives understand that the USPS is motivated to expand the functionality and configurations of the cluster box units due to the birth of the 4C pedestal mailbox.
Cluster Box Unit or 4C Pedestal Mailbox Similarities and Differences
Cluster box units and 4C pedestal mailboxes utilize many of the same parts, locks and materials. Therefore, many in the centralized mail receptacle marketplace would agree that these pedestal mailbox styles are very much alike. However, there must be a reason why postal officials are still refraining to certify the 4C pedestal mailbox. Postal headquarters has sighted the varying heights of the postal access door as one of the major stumbling blocks for USPS approval. Commercial mailbox manufacturers feel that criticism is a bit shallow because there are other types of commercial mailbox receptacles where an access door height range is acceptable. The other primary difference between the two styles of pedestal mailboxes is the assortment and flexibility in terms of configurations of the 4C pedestal mailbox versus the fixed configurations of the cluster box unit.
What Should You Buy a Cluster Box or a 4C Pedestal Mailbox?
A cluster box unit is great solution for buyers who fall with the configuration denominations the product is offered. The 4C pedestal mailbox is great for buyers who want customization and have unique needs. The cluster box is USPS approved whereas the 4C pedestal mailbox is not. The answer is often less than clear on which type of pedestal mailbox to buy therefore we often recommend calling a trusted supplier like USA Building Supplies.
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